Culture of Giving & Taking Feedbacks

Every person has its own way to handle feedback. Some are good at giving feedback and some are great at obeying those feedbacks. But last day I join one Twitter space and the topic was “Giving & Taking Feedback”. So I wrote some of the points yesterday and shared my thoughts on the same.
Now it’s time to share my thoughts in another social community too. Hope this helps you to build better connections & reach your vision in your work environment. You can also add these points for your productivity hacks.
Be Kind Always
Always use your kind words when you are giving feedback to anyone. Especially when you are taking feedback don’t pull your ego in because that’s the point where you are deciding that the received feedback would work or not.
Build Together
It’s not necessary only a manager can give feedback, you can also push your friends/colleagues, to reach their vision. Building together is the most effective way when you are helping your friend to reach their goal. Give more, it will come back sure.
Manage After Feedback Story
This point especially applies when you are giving feedback to your subordinates. Help your subordinates to fill the gap so, they can come up with something great with your feedback. If you can’t help them complete the feedback, make sure you add more people in their feedback journey so they can help your subordinate to complete the feedback. This will help them a lot.
The whole journey of feedback needs motivation, if you don’t motivate your subordinates, most probably your feedback won’t work for them. Motivation plays a huge role to break own records and show improvement day by day.
As per the latest survey, many Indian organizations don’t appreciate the employee’s good work. If you are not appreciating your colleagues then who will? The heartbreaking survey is that around 30% of employees who worked for 3 to 5 years in the organization are not appreciated a single time. So whenever your given feedback is completed by subordinates make sure you appreciate them. This will help them to happily accept the next feedback.

Let see how XpRate is helping work culture to build a better environment at workspaces. XpRate is a platform where you can build your Reputation with the appreciation you received while you are in any work environment. It’s totally FREE for everyone where you can rate anyone with five stars, a small description, and hashtags.
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We would love to hear more thoughts in comments or you can reach out to me on LinkedIn 👋
Happy Rating 🎯